
var driver = new CDBDriver(options)

options has to be a plain object containing the following keys:

Key Type Required Description
host string yes The database host URL.
user string no The username for authentication.
pass string no The password for authentication.

You can also pass in an URL string directly. CDBDriver then takes care of parsing that into a configuration object.


When using a configuration string, make sure it follows the URL standards. Otherwise you might run into errors.


All methods are capable of synchroneous and asychroneous invokation. If you specify the callback parameter on any method as a function, the request will be made asynchroneous.

The following object scheme applies to the return values of synchroneous calls, as well as for callback arguments of asynchroneous calls:

  state: "number",    // The http status code of the response
  response: "object"  // The actual response body

Endpoint: /

Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing information about the server, including a welcome message and the version of the server.

Argument Type Required Description
callback function no Callback

Developers Annotation

This method is perfect for testing the connection to the database.
In addition this can also be used to split further requests from the main process by providing a callback function. Within that callback you can perform synchroneous requests as you want without impacting the users performance.


Endpoint: /_all_dbs

Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance.

Argument Type Required Description
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}

Gets information about the specified database.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to get information from.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}

Creates a new database. The database name {db} must be composed by following next rules:

  • Name must begin with a lowercase letter (a-z)
  • Lowercase characters (a-z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Any of the characters: _, $, (, ), +, - and /

If you’re familiar with Regular Expressions, the rules above could be written as

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to create.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}/_all_docs

Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given database. The information is returned as a JSON structure containing meta information about the return structure, including a list of all documents and basic contents, consisting the ID, revision and key. The key is the from the document’s _id.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to get the documents from.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}

Creates a new document in the specified database, using the supplied JSON document structure. If the JSON structure includes the _id field, then the document will be created with the specified document ID. If the _id field is not specified, a new unique ID will be generated, following whatever UUID algorithm is configured for that server.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to store the document in.
data object yes The data to store as a document.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}/{doc}

Returns document by the specified doc from the specified db. Unless you request a specific revision, the latest revision of the document will always be returned.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to get the document from.
docIdentifier string yes The document id to retrieve.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}/{doc}

Marks the specified document as deleted by adding a field _deleted with the value true. Documents with this field will not be returned within requests anymore, but stay in the database.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to delete the document from.
docIdentifier string yes The id of the document to delete.
docRevision string yes The latest revision id of the document.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /{db}/{doc}

This method creates a new revision of the existing document.

Argument Type Required Description
dbIdentifier string yes The database id to update the document from.
docIdentifier string yes The id of the document to update.
docRevision string yes The latest revision id of the document.
data object yes The new data to store.
callback function no Callback


Endpoint: /_users/{user}

Creates or updates a database user.

Instead of single options, this method only accepts a plain object for configuration.

Argument Type Required Description
options object yes Configures the behaviour of this method.
callback function no Callback

options has to implement the following scheme:

  username: "string",   // The username of the account
  password: "string",   // The password of the account
  roles: "array",       // (optional) The account roles
  additionals: "object" // (optional) Additional field that shall be stored in the user document.

Developers Annotation

There's a whole bunch of background information provided in the official documentation of CouchDB.
Head up there for further reading on what is happening within this method and on the server-side.


Endpoint: /_node/_local/_config/admins/{user}
Legacy Endpoint: /_config/admins/{user}

Creates or updates an admin user.

Argument Type Required Description
username string yes The admins username.
password string yes The admins password.
callback function no Callback